
Steps are used to guide users through complex processes, making them easier and more intuitive. Breaking a multi-step process into smaller parts and tracking progress along the way helps users complete it successfully.

Default markup

Steps show users where they are within a process, what steps they have already completed and what they are expected to complete. Making multi-step processes more user-friendly facilitates users’ interaction with your interface.

Use the steps class to create the default progress tracker and name the steps accordingly.

<div class="steps">
  <a href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 1
  <a href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 2
  <a href="#" class="step-item active">
    Step 3
  <span href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 4


Add tooltips, if you want to provide users with additional information about the steps they are expected to complete. Tooltips are displayed when a user hovers over a given step and help clarify what might not be clear from the interface.

<div class="steps">
  <a href="#" class="step-item" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 1 description">
    Step 1
  <a href="#" class="step-item" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 2 description">
    Step 2
  <a href="#" class="step-item active" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 3 description">
    Step 3
  <span href="#" class="step-item" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 4 description">
    Step 4


You can customize the default progress indicator by changing the color to one that better suits your design. Click here to see the range of available colors.

<div class="steps steps-green">
  <a href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 1
  <a href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 2
  <a href="#" class="step-item active">
    Step 3
  <span href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 4
<div class="steps steps-red">
  <a href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 1
  <a href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 2
  <a href="#" class="step-item active">
    Step 3
  <span href="#" class="step-item">
    Step 4

Steps without title

For designs with limited space, use progress indicators without titles and add tooltips to provide the necessary details.

<div class="steps">
  <a href="#" class="step-item" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 1 description"></a>
  <a href="#" class="step-item" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 2 description"></a>
  <a href="#" class="step-item active" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 3 description"></a>
  <span href="#" class="step-item" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Step 4 description"></span>

Steps with numbers

Use the steps-counter class to create a progress tracker with numbers instead of titles and change the color to customize it.

<div class="steps steps-counter steps-lime">
  <a href="#" class="step-item"></a>
  <a href="#" class="step-item active"></a>
  <span href="#" class="step-item"></span>
  <span href="#" class="step-item"></span>
  <span href="#" class="step-item"></span>