Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus ad amet consectetur exercitationem fugiat in ipsa ipsum, natus odio quidem quod repudiandae sapiente. Amet debitis et magni maxime necessitatibus ullam.
Spinners are used to show the loading state of a component or page. They provide feedback for an action a user has taken, when it takes a bit longer to complete.
Default markup
Use the default spinner to notify users that an action they have taken is in progress, helping them avoid confusion.
Choose one of the available colors to customize the spinner and make it suit your design.
Choose the size of your spinner. You can use the default size or use the spinner-border-sm class to display a smaller spinner.
Growing spinner
Use the growing spinner, if you are looking for a more original design than a border spinner. The spinner grows to show the loading state.
Growing spinners also come in a variety of colors to choose from.
Use buttons with spinners to notify users that an action they have taken by clicking the button is in progress and prevent them from clicking multiple times or giving up.